Hurricane Maria… Fires… Earthquakes… Epidemics… Pandemic… For the last few years or even the last few months, I feel like I’ve been living from one emergency to the next. I set checkpoints before or after a big natural disaster or I guess right now pandemic; when I should instead be remembering big milestones like graduating or starting a new job. Might as well build a survival resume that details the things I’ve lived through or have witnessed happening in the world. And I know many other people can agree. As I am writing this, it is Monday, April 6th, 2020… And I only know this because I looked it up on my phone. In Puerto Rico, we are currently entering week 4 since they announced a curfew and lockdown. We can only go out if it is an emergency. The only places open are those related to medical, food and gas needs. Everyone has been forced to work from home. Many have lost their jobs and a steady income. There are hundreds of infected with the coronavirus. And there are a handf...