Hurricane Maria… Fires… Earthquakes… Epidemics… Pandemic…
For the last few years or even the last few months, I feel like I’ve been living from one emergency to the next. I set checkpoints before or after a big natural disaster or I guess right now pandemic; when I should instead be remembering big milestones like graduating or starting a new job. Might as well build a survival resume that details the things I’ve lived through or have witnessed happening in the world. And I know many other people can agree.
As I am writing this, it is Monday, April 6th, 2020… And I only know this because I looked it up on my phone. In Puerto Rico, we are currently entering week 4 since they announced a curfew and lockdown. We can only go out if it is an emergency. The only places open are those related to medical, food and gas needs. Everyone has been forced to work from home. Many have lost their jobs and a steady income. There are hundreds of infected with the coronavirus. And there are a handful of deaths.
Among all, fear is very present. We are uncertain as to what is to come. We have no clue how long this situation will go on for. There is so much misinformation out there. We are suddenly spending even more time on our phones. Even more time online. We are desperate for any type of human connection. We have once again, at least I know Puerto Ricans feel this way, to adapt to a new type of normal.
All of a sudden, I have realized that those fictional movies, shows or books were onto something. Whatever times we are living right now feel surreal and not that far off from what we’ve seen happen to our favorite heroes and heroines. It feels creepy and it almost feels wrong to go out at all. Even for the essential things. Everyone is wearing masks and gloves. We are bombarded with bad news after bad news. We’re all self-conscious about what we touch, what we do. And all the news is not doing great things to my anxiety and mental health. You even feel guilty when you have a semi-normal chill day at home.
Around me, everything just feels eerie. I go outside to my balcony or my backyard and there is a stillness in the air. Even with nobody around you, the tension is tangible. Almost like the calmness before a storm. And I know a thing or two about the calmness before a storm. I can even tell you some about being in the eye of a hurricane. I have in the past.
In the past, we’ve survived it. Time and time again we’ve come out stronger. We might have some scars. Some memories we’d rather not remember. And others that made us feel fuller and happier. We learned how to better ourselves against adversity. And I know we don’t all go through these under the same circumstances. I know I am very privileged that way.
Still time and time again you have a thousand thoughts fill your mind at the same time. In the dead of night, when the world is truly silent you can’t help but wonder… How do you fight an enemy you can’t see? How do you protect those you love? How do you stop worrying about if there will be a time when you can hug them again?
And it is those uncertainties that consume us. A million questions nobody has an answer to. You have to just focus on getting through today. On finding new ways to occupy your mind. Coming up with new tactics to hang out with your friends and talk to your loved ones. You adapt. You create a new normal. A new routine. Because we are nothing if not built to survive. We are built to persevere. Like I said. We’ve done it before.
So we go online and we facetime some people. You smile and you cry at videos of people singing happy birthday from across the street. You enjoy your favorite artist's music, photography, live streams, concerts… You play games online. You try new recipes. You catch up on that show you love and never had time to watch. And you most certainly make time to do the one thing that makes you the happiest… And you finally sit down to write.
And the silver lining to all of this is how much closer we’re starting to feel by connecting and just by communicating more than ever. This and every one of the emergencies I have lived through has in some way made us feel more human. Feel better. And overall feel closer to each other. And those are the memories you remember. Yes, there will be bad things… Yes, we will lose many many great people with hopes and dreams and lives of their own. Maybe they will hit close to home… But we can’t stop living. We can’t stop surviving.
Take this time to take a step back and reflect on your life. On what you want to do once you are in control once again. Set some time aside to check up on yourself. To check up on those around you. On those, you hold dear to your heart. Do all the things you want and can do right now. Cause, we will get through this. So don’t cancel your future plans. Postpone them. Think about them. And plan new ones.
Think about what you would do today if you had the chance. And try not to think if you will be able to do it before the next emergency hits. Our future is not guaranteed or for certain. But how we act upon things and our view of them is in our control. Never ever forget that.
Love, Nashi
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