20 warning signs that you're a fangirl

  1. You know everything about them; full names, where they live, where they are, birthdays, girlfriends or boyfriends, ex-girlfriends or boyfriends, etc.
  2. via GIPHY
  3. Your closet looks like a merch shop for your fandoms.
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  5. You own all of their albums, magazine covers, books, movies, tv shows, etc.
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  7. You freak out whenever they post on their social media.
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  9. You get defensive if anyone dares to say something negative about them.
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  11. Yet you also don't like it when a total stranger tells you they are a fan too.
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  13. You blast the volume whenever they come on TV or the radio. Who cares if you are in public.
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  15. You know what fanfics are and probably have written one.
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  17. You watch all the bloopers, behind the scenes, funny moments, or anything else that is available online about them.
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  19. You know exactly what shipping is.
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  21. You also know what an OTP is and you don't let anyone mess with yours.
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  23. You call them your baby/babies, no matter if they are 30 years old.
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  25. You hate hiatuses.
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  27. You often research what they like and maybe even force yourself to like it too.
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  29. You often recommend to people new music, movies, books, tv shows, etc.
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  31. You geek out when someone mentions their name.
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  33. You've cried about them.
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  35. Your conversations often include the phrases "I can't even", "Stahp", "Pick me up from the floor", and "ASDFGHJKL".
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  37. You fantasize about what it would be like to meet them IRL.
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  39. Your friends make fun of you and get tired of your fangirling, but they love you anyways.
  40. via GIPHY


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