New beginnings

I've read that a writer should only write about what they know. How else are you supposed to be able to describe and make others feel? I've found this to be a controversial advice from fellow writers. It almost feels like a writer's cliché.

If you Google the issue, you will find a discussion upon a discussion about whether this is even helpful and concrete advice to give. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, but more precisely since I began High School. Some force beyond my control just pushed me to write. Every turn I took I found inspiration. Back then my stories were crap. I had no clue what I was doing. Yet, like everything in life it is all about practice. I kept on writing, and I kept on reading.

That is why despite this controversial idea that we should write what we know, I've spent my entire life telling stories of fiction with made up names and dreaming up scenarios about extraordinary lives. I wrote about a love I have never felt before and living in places I have never been to. I guess it is always easier to make something up than it is to tell the world about yourself. And trust me, I have never been good at talking about myself, but I thought it was the time I told my own story.

There is so much I want to share with whoever reads this blog. I have opinions about life and the world, I have lessons I have come to learn in my short 24 years of life, and there are many things I still want to experience. I've played around with the idea of starting a blog for over a year. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night with ideas about posts I would make on a blog that still didn't exist. I've heard my friends over and over tell me how they still don't understand how I haven't started one.

That is how Love, Nashi came to be. This is a place where I want to be able to share my life with all of you who are willing to read, but I also want to share with the world all the tidbits that make me who I am. I want to be able to talk about what inspires me, what I like and my opinions about current World situations.

So if this seems remotely interesting to you, I invite you to follow me along on my journey of becoming an adult in the 21st century and building what will be my life. Watch out for a new post this Friday, and let me know in the comments what you would like to read about in the future. I'll write to all of you soon.

Love, Nashi


  1. Love this! I am so beyond excited for this new journey and I'm looking forward to the awesome blog posts!


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