That time I interviewed Lisa McMann + Book Review

I read these books a few years ago and they still continue to be some of my favorites. They start sucking you in from the cover images. I remember seeing them at Borders (RIP!) and simply staring at them because they are just so simple and interesting. They say nothing about the stories and yet they say so much. The colors catch our eye and we can't leave behind how the tittle's make us wonder what is within the pages. Each book is a quick read. I managed to read in five hours each one because let's be honest it doesn't hurt that the story plot is so intriguing. 

Dreams... That's the main topic of these stories. The first book begins by following the story of Janie, the main character, who has the gift (or maybe a curse) of being able to visit other people's dreams. The downside to this is that it doesn't only happen when she wants to. She is often sucked into people's dreams that she doesn't want to see. In other words, she doesn't really have an entire control of her abilities. 

This concept of dreams really was what caught my attention, to begin with, but the story takes a turn that is much more than that. Even though it has a language and humor that could relate much more to teenagers than adults, the story has a little bit of everything. We have action in a police crime-fighting perspective, adventure, and also we have romance. Yet, Lisa McMann is able to make these genres melt perfectly together throughout the series. 

McMann also created a set of characters for her stories that not only are extraordinary in their abilities but also feel human. Janie and later on Caleb feel and struggle just like any of us do in hard situations. I quite liked this fact about the stories, even when at times they could become obnoxious characters you cannot help but continue to love them and relate to them.

The biggest downside to this book series is the ending of Gone. If you are not into cliffhangers, I would maybe sit this one out. I wish someone would have given me that warning, even though I do not regret reading these books. At the end of Gone, some things tie up nicely, but for other things, we are left with more questions than we would like when we know it is the last book in the installment. 

These books are gruesome and tough in some ways. Emotionally it is intense and also at times you could get confused because through the action it is sometimes hard to know who is who and even when Janie is inside somebody else's dream. Nonetheless, this is a really good read but a little warning, you have to be prepared for the emotional roller-coaster. Overall, they are an amazing read and definitely a favorite.

I think this is as much as I can say about the books without giving any spoilers! Which means that if you would like to know more about the books, you are going to have to check them out yourself. 

So by loving these books so much, back in 2010, I had another blog where I simply reviewed books and occasionally got to interview the authors if they gave me the time. I remember I had messaged Lisa McMann via facebook if she would answer some questions for me to include in that old blog post. She agreed and I sent her two questions which she gave me great answers to. She is incredibly sweet and just as intriguing as her fictional stories. Check out the image below to see what she said. 

I'll write to you all soon.

Love, Nashi


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