How to be productive

For the last two years, I have been working as a freelance and studying online, which means I spend most of my time at home. Which is great! My biggest issue was staying motivated and productive on those days I had to get things done. These are my tips on how to be productive when working from home. It doesn't matter if you are an online student, work from home or just need to get things done around the house.

Wake up at a reasonable hour
We are tempted to sleep in if we are staying at home all day, but that is the biggest mistake you could do if you want to be productive. Set up an alarm for a reasonable hour you want to wake up at so you can get everything done at an easy pace.

Shower and get ready
Even if you are staying at home it is important to let your body know that you're not meant to be lazy all day. Once you get out of bed hit the shower and dress in something other than your pajamas. I also like to do my hair and my skincare routine to make myself feel ready to tackle on my day.

Eat breakfast
Don't skip it and don't eat a big breakfast that will help you feel heavy for the rest of the morning. Eat some fruit, cereal or my personal favorite a fried egg with toast. The point is to get your body the energy your body needs for the day.

Make a to-do list
After breakfast, sit down and write down everything you want to get done that day. This will help you keep track of your process and provides you with an easy way to stay organized. Keeping a calendar with things you have to do during the month or even week is also a great way to stay organized.

Don't work in bed
Set up a designated work space outside of your bedroom that lets you know you have things to get done. It doesn't matter if it is homework or some actual work that needs to get done.

Take a break
Set up a time in your day for some relaxing down time. Taking a break will help you come back to work refreshed and with a clearer mind. In this hour you can do whatever you want. Take a nap to regain some energy, drink some tea, watch some Netflix, etc. Just make sure to not get carried away and lazy out for hours! So maybe you shouldn't binge-watch that show you've had your eye on.

Keep around healthy snacks
When one is working from home, it is easy to overeat. I like to keep fruits or nuts around to munch on while I work or answer emails.

Don't skip any meals
It is easy to lose track of time when working from home. Make sure you set up lunch times into your to-do list so you don't forget as you are going through it.

Finish your day
Make sure that you set up a time to know you've done enough for the day. Review what you managed to do and would still need to do the next day. Prepare yourself some dinner or make some time to go out with friends now that your day is over. I also like to take a shower to relax and clear my mind, as well as finish up with my night routine. This is also the time when I lay in bed and catch up on Youtube videos or Netflix.

So there you guys have it! These are my tips on how to stay motivated and productive when spending a day at home. Hope you find these helpful, and let me know in the comments what are your tricks on staying productive and motivated during your days. I'll write to you all soon.

Love, Nashi


  1. Sometimes I set alarms to remember my meals, that way I don't skip meals. If I don't have the alarms, I easily forget I need to eat. There are a few things here that I'll definitely implement now to my routine. ❤

    1. Alarms is a great way to stay on track of things that need to get done. Glad this post was helpful! ❤


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