What would you do if you only had six months to live?

What would you do if you only had six months to live? Would you continue your life as normal, within the safety of the boundaries you have created so far or would you drop everything and do all the things you have always wanted to do? That is the question the TV show No Tomorrow states within their plot. And if this is something that has caught your eye, I recommend the series 100% (this is not a sponsor I promise).

This "What the fig" attitude and style of life has always appealed to me. I'm always inside my own head, overthinking every aspect of my life. This fact about me keeps me safe within my comfort zone and I rarely find myself pushing my own boundaries and becoming a better version of myself. In my mind, this is what keeps me safe. The truth is just because you're not doing the things you would want, doesn't mean you won't get hurt.

A few years ago, I found a bucket list I wrote as a kid of things I wanted to do before I was 25 and the truth was I had only done half of those things and maybe not in the scale I would have loved to do them. I had written down things like volunteering, doing an extreme sport, traveling, etc. Even after finding this list, I didn't do anything to make those things happen before I turned 25.

Now I am a little over three months before I turn 25 and I have other worries in my mind like student loans, finding a job, my family, and the always constant boys. Truth is, even with these worries I have a clean slate. I don't have a job that ties me down, no husband, boyfriend or children. I could do whatever I wanted if I could just push past myself.

So ask yourself this, what would you do if you only had six months to live? Don't run and quit your job, unless it isn't what you love. Sit down and think about what you would like. Go skydiving for your birthday, find out what would happen if you went a weekend without social media or texting anybody, or better yet start that food truck you've always dreamt about owning.

The most important lesson we must take from this is that we never know which day would be our last, or even what could happen tomorrow that could prevent us from doing the things we wanted. So go ahead and do them. Make a list. Start small or start big. The most important lesson is that you aren't afraid to live and become a better version of yourself.

I've wanted to start my own blog for years and I was too afraid to do so and look at me now. Almost 2 months into blogging. And just like blogging, there are hundreds of other things I would like to do in my lifetime. On my computer desktop, I have a file named 'bucket list' where I have a more extensive list of other things I would want to do and have done over the years, with no time limitations this time. Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and take the plunge and simply live each day as if it were your last.

So, if you could do anything today what would it be? Have you got your list ready? I'll write to you all soon.

Love, Nashi


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