Love You Hate You Miss You Book Review

It's been seventy-five days, and Amy still doesn't know how she can possibly exist without her best friend, Julia—especially since it's her fault that Julia's dead. When her shrink tells her it would be a good idea to start a diary, Amy starts writing letters to Julia instead. But as she writes letter after letter, she begins to realize that the past wasn't as perfect as she thought it was—and the present deserves a chance, too.

This book was absolutely breathtaking. It had me on the edge of my seat, on the verge of tears and of course filled with excitement. All the time I wanted to know what would happen next.

I could never begin to imagine what it would feel like to have an addiction or how it would feel to lose someone so close to you. Be blamed and judged and mistreated... It sounds so horrible but at the same time, Elizabeth Scott managed to allow me to relate to these feelings. She had me holding my heart on my sleeve the whole time.

I think that is the most beautiful part of this book. The emotions are so raw and out there, that it easy to get sucked into the story and completely relate to Amy and what she is going through. 

The characters develop just perfectly as you read it, and nothing about it is rushed. Amy as a narrator really is what ties the entire story together.

This is the type of book that matters, that is a message, a love story and a sad truth all wrapped in one. The recovery, the anxiety attacks, all that it takes to accept love in your life is inside these pages. Elizabeth Scott did a wonderful job in turning a typical teen novel story line into an unconventional one that isn't stereotypical at all. 

My favorite part had to be the letters inside her therapy journal. The letters were such a raw part of Amy, filled with such pure emotion. They were the thing that truly allowed us to venture into her mind and understand how she felt. Understand what went through her mind.

The book isn't very long and it is a very easy read, but it is a powerful one I know I will never forget. I highly recommend it. 

I'll write to you soon. 

Love, Nashi


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